LHC Vital Statistics
The planned start up year of the LHC is 2008.
- Particles used: Protons (in proton- proton collisions) and then somewhat later heavy ions (Lead, full stripped 82+)
- Circumference: 26,659 m.
- Injector: SPS
- Injected beam energy: 450 GeV (protons)
- Nominal beam energy in physics: 7 TeV (protons)
- Magnetic field at 7 TeV: 8.33 Tesla
- Operating temperature: 1.9 K
- Number of magnets: ~9300
- Number of main dipoles: 1232
- Number of quadrupoles: ~858
- Number of correcting magnets: ~6208
- Number of RF cavities: 8 per beam; Field strength at top energy ≈ 5.5 MV/m
- RF frequency: 400.8 MHz
- Revolution frequency: 11.2455 kHz.
- Power consumption: ~120 MW
- Gradient of the tunnel: 1.4%
- Difference between highest and lowest points: 122 m.
- Beam screen: a racetrack shape has been chosen for the beam screen, which optimises the available aperture while leaving space for the cooling tubes. The nominal horizontal and vertical apertures are 44.04 mm and 34.28 mm, respectively